Episode 32: Controlled Demolition

And, after a very long day of editing and mixing, we are in just under the wire! Episode 32, Controlled Demolition, is now live! Visit our Season 3 page to listen to the latest from the Hephaestus. 

As the SI-5 tightens its grip on the Hephaestus, Colonel Kepler decides to run a comprehensive job review. Each faced with unique challenges, Eiffel, Minkowski, Lovelace, and Hilbert all struggle to prove their worth, preserve their autonomy, and stay ahead of the new management. Plus, mind-numbing drudgery, the Twilight Zone, Kung-Fu Chess, Geppetto, and very official clipboards. 

This episode was written and directed by Gabriel Urbina. 

The past four weeks have been absolutely amazing. Not only did we hit our 100th five-star review on our iTunes page, we also launched our Patreon campaign to a more overwhelming degree of success and support than anything we could have dared hope for. If you enjoy the show and want to help us make more episodes, and more bonus material and extras, please consider signing up for a monthly donation! We have some pretty cool rewards, and every bit counts. 

Stay tuned... we've got a Shachat original coming in two weeks, and you're not gonna want to miss that one. 

Wolf 359 Live: Deep Space Survival Procedure & Protocol - Recordings Now Available!

Performed on December 19th, 2015, the Alchemical Theatre Laboratory in New York City, Deep Space Survival Procedure and Protocol was the first live performance of Wolf 359. Featuring all the principal cast members performing a never-before-heard script, this show was the culmination of the first two years of Wolf 359. We are - at long last - happy to make our recording of the show available for public consumption, in both video and audio-only formats! Visit our Live Shows page to watch or download! 

Set just after the events of Episode 26, Deep Space Survival Procedure and Protocol covers one madcap day in the life of the Hephaestus crew. After dealing with plant monsters, the reappearance of a not-so-presumed-dead captain, and a supervirus that's still chilling in his circulatory system, Communications Officer Doug Eiffel is about face his biggest challenge yet: a mysterious noise coming from the comms console. With the crew to question his abilities, will Eiffel be able to solve the mystery, keep his sanity, and get everyone else to cut him some slack? Plus, normal weird signals, voodoo pulled pork, all of the air bubbles, and the importance of chit-chat. 

Mini Episode 4: Meanwhile

Special update part the first! We've just released our fourth mini episode: Meanwhile! Visit our Season 3 page to check it out! 

In it, an important message prompts additional resources to be uncovered for the Hephaestus Mission. This episodes features a couple of returning faces, as well as introducing one more new addition to the cast. Everyone please welcome the fabulous Ariela Rotenberg, who very graciously agreed to help us with this short story. Thank you so much, Ariela! 

Stay tuned... we'll be posting part two of our special update very soon! 

New Cast Members And Next Episode Release

Hey friends! 

So now that the dust has settled from the release of Episode 31 and we’ve all had a chance to listen to Sécurité, we have two announcements to make: 

The first is that, now that the cat is out of the bag, we are extraordinarily happy and incredibly proud to welcome Mr. Zach Libresco, Mr. Noah Masur, and Ms. Michelle Agresti to the cast of Wolf 359. The three of them are extraordinary actors and performers working in NYC, and they’re all folks that we have long admired and looked up to. After months of looking forward to the release of this episode we are very happy to publicly welcome them onboard as part of the team. 

The second announcement is that the next full episode of Wolf 359, Episode 32, will be released on April 11th. Don’t worry, we’re not going anywhere - we will be releasing new content in two weeks, it’s just going to be something special. In fact, in lots of ways it’s going to be one of our biggest updates ever, and it’s going to include things that a lot of you have been asking about for a long time. So just know that you’ll have some more Wolf 359 content coming your way real soon, but it’s going to be something slightly different. And then we’ll be back to regular episodes two weeks after that. 

So get excited! Things are going to get very interesting from here on out! 

Episode 31: Sécurité

Big news! Episode 31 is now live! Visit the Season 3 page to listen to Sécurité!

Sécurité. (noun) An international radio signal, used to convey messages concerning safety of navigation or important warnings. Plus, sensitive information, sun tanning opportunities, surreal nightmares, bunny slippers, and the end of the known universe.

This episode was written and directed by Gabriel Urbina.

But wait, there's more! After you have listened to Sécurité, check out our brand new Patreon page! You can sign up to support us making Wolf 359 through monthly donations, and in exchange you'll get some awesome rewards. If you've listened to and enjoyed the show over the past two years, please consider donating whatever feels right to you - even if it's just a small amount! We're thrilled about the opportunities this platform might let us explore, and we hope that you'll be as excited as we are! 

Episode 30: Mayday

Episode 24 is now live! Visit the Season 3 page to listen to Mayday!

Mayday. (noun) An international radio distress signal, used to signify a state of emergency on board a craft. Plus, complete operational breakdown, better ways to fly, mathematical realities, an idle mind, and the big blue wrecking ball.

This episode was written and directed by Gabriel Urbina.

As usual, please consider taking a moment to rate and review our show's iTunes page. Words cannot express how important reviews are to the show, and how much inspiration the creative team behind the show gets from every single one of them. 

Stay tuned... some big episodes are coming soon, and some big news are just around the corner. Lots more Wolf 359 is on its way. 

Episode 29: Pan-Pan

The wait is over! Episode 29 is now live! Visit our brand new Season 3 page to listen to Pan-Pan! Welcome back to Wolf 359!

Pan-Pan. (noun) An international radio distress signal, used to signify a state of urgency on board a craft. Plus, very simple instructions, Space Yukon, adventures in grease monkeying, Disney table manners, and killing everything and everyone.

As usual, please consider taking a moment to rate and review our show's iTunes page. We cannot express how grateful we are for all of the love and support that we have received over the past few weeks as we prepared for the start of the third season. And finally, if you would like to help us keep making episodes and new material, please consider donating to the show!

Episode 28: Who's There?

This is it! Part two of our second season finale is now up! Visit the Season 2 page to check out Who's There? We hope you enjoy! 

Part two of two. Faced with a new obstacle, the crew struggles to navigate all of Wolf 359’s sudden changes. Eiffel, Minkowski, and Hera desperately work to get the Hephaestus back on a stable orbit, while Hilbert and Lovelace face their own time-sensitive challenge. Plus, the point of no return, bad ideas, very good life-and-death emergency situations, maximum engine power, and the existential implications of our tiny, tiny place in the universe.

This episode was written and directed by Gabriel Urbina. 

Thank you so much for all of your love, support, generosity, and kindness over the past ten months. Season 2 has been a rollercoaster to write, record, produce, and release, and we're so glad that all of you have been here to share it with us. 

And, if you're going to be around New York City this December you should definitely come see our first ever live show! Tickets are on sale now, so make sure you don't miss out your chance to see our full cast and crew performing a brand new script! Visit our Live Shows page for more details! 

Wolf 359 Live!

One of the downsides of spending so much time on our Facebook and Tumblr pages is that I get neglectful on updating this news blog. Sometimes with rather important items. Case in point... 

To mark the end of Season 2, Wolf 359 is doing its first live show! 

Join us at the Alchemical Theatre Laboratory, at 104 W. 14th Street, New York, on December 19th, to see the first live performance ofWolf 359

There will be two performances, one at 6:00 PM and one at 9:00 PM

Tickets will be $20, and will be available for sale starting at noon EST on November 15th. Check back on our new Live Shows page on that day for more information on ticket sales. All tickets will be general admission. 

More information soon!

Episode 27: Knock, Knock

The end of Season 2 is almost upon us! Part one of our two-part season finale is is now live! Visit the Season 2 page to listen to Knock, Knock!

Part one of two. The Hephaestus is thrust into a maelstrom in the wake of Wolf 359's sudden, violent change. With the station infrastructure taking heavy damage and multiple systems failing, Eiffel, Minkowski, and Hera must scramble to find a way out of the storm. But as they struggle to contend with the inexplicable phenomenon, the human members of the crew slowly realize that there may be another, even deadlier, force affecting them. Plus, inner logic consultants, messages in bottles, the polarity of ions, Duck Dodgers, and unprecedented deep space discoveries. 

This episode was written and directed by Gabriel Urbina. 

As usual, please consider taking a moment to rate and review our show's iTunes page. Thanks to your love and support we just got our 100th rating! Thank you so much to all of you, from everyone on the cast and the crew. 

And stay tuned... There should be an announcement later today about a certain live show... 

Episode 26: Do No Harm

Episode 26 is now live! Visit the Season 2 page to listen to Do No HarmThis episode marks a milestone for the Wolf 359 team: our first script written by our lead actor, Zach Valenti! 

With Eiffel in critical condition, Minkowski, Hilbert, and Lovelace are forced to put their differences on hold. But with long-held fears and grudges reaching their breaking points, it's not long before the uneasy truce is teetering on the brink of open violence. Will the fragile alliance be able to work together long enough to get Eiffel through the outbreak? Plus, metamizole, useless suspicious, aggressive outside agents, decorum protocols, and the Care Bear Stare. 

As usual, please consider taking a moment to rate and review our show's iTunes page. We just got our 50th review, and words cannot express how important each and every one of those is to everyone that makes the show.    And finally, if you would like to help us keep making episodes and new material, please consider donating to the show!

Episode Release Schedule Update

Hey everyone, 

Important announcement: we are pushing back the release dates for the last three episodes of Season 2 by one week.

Zach, I, and the rest of the Wolf 359 Creative Team apologize for this delay in the release schedule. Rest assured that this was not an easy decision to make, nor one that we made on a whim. We’ve been trying to balance next episode’s production with lots of new things, both inside and outside the show, and it’s finally gotten to the point where we felt we needed to be honest about how much work we still had to do and how much time we would need to do it properly. Rest assured that we’ll do our utmost to prevent these sorts of hiccups in future seasons. 

The updated release dates for the rest of the season are: 

Do No Harm: October 26th

Knock, Knock: November 9th 

Who’s There?: November 23rd 

Thank you for your understanding, your patience, and all the support you’ve given the show over every step of this season. 

Mini Episode 3: Variations on a Theme AND Episode 25: Lame-O Superhero Origin Story

Surprise! It's a double episode special today! Head over to our Season 2 page and check out Variations on a Theme and Lame-O Superhero Origin Story! 

In our third mini episode, Captain Lovelace goes backwards and forwards in time. And in our 25th episode, Eiffel and Hilbert try to find some middle ground as they adjust the Hephaestus systems. But with old grudges coming to a boil and Lovelace getting ever closer to her goals, will the volatile team be able to get the job done? Plus, shallow nonsense, the touchy-feelies, angry kitten face, Darth Virus, and floppy, hoppy bunnies.

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported Wolf 359 over the past few months. Words really cannot express how important all of the ratings, reviews, donations, and incredibly kind shout outs that you've given us have been to keeping the show going and growing. These are two of our most ambitious installments to date, and if we've been able to explore these new grounds it's because we've had all of you pushing us forward. So, from everyone on the team - thank you. 

Episode 24: Tactical Brain Damage

Episode 24 is now live! Visit the Season 2 page to listen to Tactical Brain Damage!

Now armed with a plan, the crew begins putting their elaborate deception in motion. While Eiffel keeps Captain Lovelace occupied, Hera and Minkowski start adjusting the station's equipment. But when their modifications cause a major system failure, will they be able to reverse the damage before Lovelace notices that something is amiss? Plus, the role of Igor, waffles in a solar flare, Team Desperate, a bigger boat, and all of western pop culture.

This episode was written and directed by Gabriel Urbina.

As usual, please consider taking a moment to rate and review our show's iTunes page. Words cannot express how important reviews are to the show - not just in terms of helping the show reach new listeners, but also in terms of letting all the talented artists and technicians who work on show know that their labors are appreciated. And finally, if you would like to help us keep making episodes and new material, please consider donating to the show!

Episode 23: No Pressure

A longer, more emotional post is definitely coming soon, but for the moment I wanted to make sure this went up before we hit the road again. It's been a long summer, but the wait is finally over. Welcome back to Wolf 359

Ten days after the reappearance of Captain Lovelace, the crew works around the clock to get the various systems on her shuttle up and running. Tensions rise steadily as Eiffel, Minkowski, and Lovelace face technical difficulties, personal differences, and plummeting morale. But when a short circuit leaves them marooned outside the Hephaestus, they must race against the clock to repair the shuttle's malfunctioning life support system. Plus, Ford Pinto-class shuttle service, diabolical foxes in the machine, Herr Trigger Von Bombenstein, compound eyes, and raw animal magnetism. 

This episode was written by Sarah Shachat and directed by Gabriel Urbina. Visit the Season Two page to listen to No Pressure

Mini Episode 2: Day One

Happy Independence Day to all of our listeners in the States! To help celebrate, we have a short Mini Episode to give your 4th of July a little bit of that Doug Eiffel touch. Visit our Mini Episodes page and check out Day One!

This is an item from the Goddard Futuristics Archives, File #A7NB566. Communications Officer Log on Day 1 of the Hephaestus Project. 

The writing staff is hard at work with the back half of Season 2, as well as developing a few other Mini Episodes and side projects. Stay tuned in the next few weeks for a few other surprises! 

Anthology: Across the Sea

Hungry for more Wolf 359 after yesterday’s episode? Well, we’ve got the next best thing! Check out this week’s episode of AnthologyAcross the Sea, written by Wolf 359 creator Gabriel Urbina and starring Emma “Commander Minkowski” Sherr-Ziarko.

Jackie, a journalist in the 1920s, thought she’d seen it all when she boarded a ship headed where few dare sail. The creative team behind the science fiction audio drama Wolf 359 takes us on a spooky, stormy journey with this adaptation of Horacio Quiroga’s “Los buques suicidantes.” Directed by Gabriel Urbina, starring Emma Sherr-Ziarko, Felipe Bonilla, and Jaime Maseda. Produced by Rachel Liu. 

And check out past episodes of Anthology! There is a healthy overlap with the Wolf 359 team, with both Zach Valenti and Emma Sherr-Ziarko voicing the lead characters in previous episodes. If you’re looking for new standalone audio dramas to have in your life, this is the show for you! 

Episode 22: Mutually Assured Destruction

Episode 22, our midseason finale, is now live! Visit the Season 2 page to listen to Mutually Assured Destruction

The crew is shocked by the sudden reappearance of Captain Lovelace. At first relieved to have another ally on board the Hephaestus, Eiffel, Minkowski, and Hera soon grow suspicious of the station's former commanding officer. Is the newcomer really who she claims, or is another devious scheme afoot? And when Minkowski realizes they might have a way to escape the Hephaestus, can she and Eiffel trust Captain Lovelace with their plan? Plus, Voight-Kampff kits, sucky-ass casas, Wonkavators, Barney sensors, and the Twilight Zone. 

This episode was written and directed by Gabriel Urbina. It features Cecilia Lynn-Jacobs in the role of Captain Lovelace, and also features the Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso in A Minor by Camille Saint-Saens. This interpretation of the piece comes courtesy of Musopen

As always, please consider taking a moment to rate and review our show's iTunes page. This is our longest, more involved episode yet, and we could not have gotten here without all of the amazing artists that work on the show and all of the incredible people that have enjoyed the show so far and supported us in making it. If you want to help the show, there's really no better way to do it than by writing a review and getting others to tune in. And finally, if you would like to help us make new episodes and new material, please consider donating to the show!

We're going to be taking a short hiatus to finish writing, recording, and producing the final six episodes of the season, and to allow our actors and technicians to pursue a few other projects. Our next full episode will be on September 7th - but don't worry, we're not going to totally vanish for the next few months. We'll be releasing a few mini-episodes and extras over the following few weeks, and hopefully making some exciting announcements in the very near future. So stay tuned for all of that and more, coming very soon!

Episode 21: Minkowski Commanding

Episode 21 is now live! Visit the Season 2 page to listen to Minkowski CommandingThere's a couple of different things about this one, so we hope you enjoy! 

Following the Plant Monster's reappearance, Minkowski makes it her mission to eliminate the mutant stowaway once and for all. But when her quarry proves surprisingly difficult to corner, the Commander resorts to increasingly desperate and dangerous tactics. As the deadly game of cat and mouse intensifies and the lines between roles start to blur, Minkowski must decide on the best path to take to ensure the safety of her crew. Plus, Howard Beale breakdowns, escalating hostilities, Holy Hand Grenades, friendly conversations, and Heart of Darkness lighting. 

This episode was written by Sarah Shachat and directed by Gabriel Urbina. It features Cecilia Lynn-Jacobs in the role of Captain Lovelace.

As always, please consider taking a moment to rate and review our show's iTunes page. Words cannot express how important reviews are to the show - both in terms of getting word out to new listeners and because of how much they inspire us to keep producing new content. And finally, if you would like to help us keep making episodes and new material, please consider donating to the show!

Tune back on June 8th for Episode 22: Mutually Assured Destruction! After that we'll be going on a short production hiatus to finish writing and recording the back half of season 2, so make sure you check out that episode for more information on new Wolf 359!