Mini Episodes

Special Announcement: Pryce and Carter's DSSPPM and Three New Mini Episodes!

Hello everyone!

Well, it's been a year. Our series finale, Brave New World came out a year ago today. Hard to believe how fast a year went by, isn't it? Well, to commemorate the occasion, we wanted to share a little bit of bonus Wolf 359 content with all of you. 

First of all: the time has come. The full Pryce and Carter's Deep Space Survival Procedure and Protocol Manual is, at long last, available! It took a year of work from practically everyone in the cast and crew, but the book is done. 

And what a book it is. Aside from the full list of all 1,001 Deep Space Survival Tips - reproduced for the first time in their full sprawling, surreal, mind-bending glory - the book also features an original essay by W.S. Carter, a foreword by Mr. Cutter, an afterword by Miranda Pryce, and handwritten commentary by a certain eccentric Communications Officer. 

Getting to make this book was a dream come true for everyone on the team - it was something we'd been hoping to make since the very start of the show. We got to produce it thanks to all of the amazing support that we got from the folks who donated to our Patreon page, and we are eternally grateful to them for all of the opportunities they gave us over the past three years. If you supported us on Patreon, check you email - your copy of the manual should be waiting for you there. For everyone else, you can get your very own digital copy of Pryce and Carter's by visiting

But wait, there's more! 

Last year, we got to make three mini Wolf 359 episodes for the kind folks at Spoke, as a proof of concept for our Mission Mishaps series. These were up as cleverly hidden easter eggs, and remained, for the most part, undiscovered. So, to commemorate the one year anniversary of the end of the show, we are taking these out of the vault and sharing them with the world at large. So look into your podcasting app of choice, and enjoy Adventure of a Lifetime, Step One, and Space Rage

Thank you so much to our friends at Spoke for all the support, and for the chance to bring everyone three final peaks into the early chaos on board the U.S.S. Hephaestus. 

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone, and thank you so much for all of your continued support and love for the series, even a year after its ending. And, of course, a very happy birthday to Doug Eiffel, wherever he might be. 

Thank you, and enjoy. 

Mission Mishaps: Lights Out

The final season continues with the fifth entry in Mission Mishaps, the mini episode series we get to make because we reached our $4,000 goal on our Patreon campaign! Visit our Season 4 page to listen to Lights Out! 

Mission Mishaps, Entry Five. Hephaestus Log #WYL320. Day four hundred and eighty-seven. Eiffel reads scary stories and hears something in the dark.

This mini episode was written by Gabriel Urbina and directed by Zach Valenti. 

If you enjoy this mini episode and would like more short-form content from Wolf 359, please consider signing up for a recurring monthly donation on Patreon. The support we receive month to month is what made this episode possible. If we get to stay above $4,000 per month, we will have one of these every week when there isn't a full episode release. That's weekly Wolf 359 from now until the end of the year! 

Stay tuned... full episodes return at the start of next week! 

Mission Mishaps: The Space You're In

The final season continues with the second entry in Mission Mishaps, our mini episode series! We get to make because we reached our $4,000 goal on our Patreon campaign! Visit our Season 4 page to listen to The Space You're In! 

Mission Mishaps, Entry Two. Hephaestus Mission Log #KWE824. Day 202. Eiffel tries to avoid his daily chores around the station. 

This mini episode was written and directed by Sarah Shachat. 

If you enjoy this mini episode and would like more short-form content from Wolf 359, please consider signing up for a recurring monthly donation on Patreon. The support we receive month to month is what made this episode possible. If we get enough support to stay above $4,000 per month, we will have one of these every week when there isn't a full episode release. That's weekly Wolf 359 from now until the end of the year! 

Stay tuned... Episode 55: A Place For Everything will be out at the start of next week! 

Mini Episode 2: Day One

Happy Independence Day to all of our listeners in the States! To help celebrate, we have a short Mini Episode to give your 4th of July a little bit of that Doug Eiffel touch. Visit our Mini Episodes page and check out Day One!

This is an item from the Goddard Futuristics Archives, File #A7NB566. Communications Officer Log on Day 1 of the Hephaestus Project. 

The writing staff is hard at work with the back half of Season 2, as well as developing a few other Mini Episodes and side projects. Stay tuned in the next few weeks for a few other surprises! 

New Mini Episode - Coming Soon!

We're just over a week away from the release of Episode 14 The Kumbaya Approach. However, if you're really hungry for new Wolf 359 material, we might be able to arrange that. We've put together our second mini episode for the series. We're excited to share this short episode with everyone - it's very different from everything else that we've done on the show. 

However, before we release this mini episode, we really need some help bolstering up our presence in the iTunes world. We really need to put more of a spotlight on our page, and we can't do that without your help. Specifically, we need to get more reviews on our page.