Updated Season 4 Release Schedule

Hey everyone! As we barrel into the second half of our fourth season and the cast and crew dive into the full production for the final chapters, we wanted to give you slight update for the release dates of upcoming episodes.

Wednesday October 11th: Mission Mishaps, Entry Three.

Tuesday October 17th: Mission Mishaps, Entry Four. 

Monday October 23rd: Episode 56, Idle Hands. (Part One of Two)

Monday October 30th: Episode 57, The Devil's Plaything. (Part Two of Two)

Tuesday November 7th: Mission Mishaps, Entry Five. 

Monday November 13th: Episode 58, Quiet, Please

From there onwards, the season will continue on its regular schedule, with new full episodes released on Mondays and Mission Mishaps Mini Episodes released on Tuesdays. 

We're making these tiny adjustments for two reasons: first, as we get the hang of weekly Wolf 359, we are discovering the limits of what our (already sleep-deprived) post-production team can accomplish. Moving our Mission Mishaps releases to Tuesdays rather than Mondays will help to alleviate the editing and mixing pressure, while still allowing for weekly helpings of Wolf 359

Secondly, after much careful deliberation, the creative team has decided that it will be better for Episodes 56 and 57, which together tell a single, massive story, to only be released one week apart. This slight reshuffle of our October releases allows us to minimize the gap between these episodes.

Thank you for your patience, and for listening to the show! We think you are going to really enjoy the final twelve weeks of Wolf 359!